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Choose Your Hard!

So you've decided to start a Keto Lifestyle, GREAT! Now you're frustrated and kind of over it. Why'd you start? Was someone telling you how great it was? Did you see someone lose a bunch of pounds? So my question again, "Why'd you start?

Asking because you chose to make a change in your life. You told yourself that you need to take care of your health. You took the steps to change your lifestyle. If no one has told you yet, YOU CAN DO THIS. Even if it isn't with a Ketogenic Diet.

Throughout this journey it can be hard. You have to train your mind all over again of what is wrong and what is right. You have to ignore the peer pressure as if you were in high school all over again. Just keep this one thing in mind, your weight didn't come all at once over night and it won't leave that way.

I'm super proud of you if you took the time to read and understand what Keto is. I'm super proud of you if you replaced some of your meals with Keto meals. I'm super proud of you if you lost some pounds in this journey. YOU should be super proud of yourself! I encourage you to keep researching, keep trying, and keep hitting your goals.

Small backstory, it took me one full year to drop 50 lbs. I was up and down weekly. I was a scale watcher. I got to the point where I would stay in just to avoid the pressure. It's not healthy. It's okay to splurge every now and then, EAT THAT DAMN BROWNIE.

I'll leave this with losing weight is hard, being overweight is hard...choose your hard!

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Keto FAQ's

What is a keto diet?​ A keto diet is a low-carb diet that results in ketosis. To achieve this, the diet has to be very low in carbohydrates, and no more than moderate in protein. Usually the diet is a

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